Sentiment expressed on social media is far from a scientific poll of the overall population's feelings toward President Trump, but it can offer a valuable measure of expressed attitudes within the online public square. Below are two figures that offer telling insights into current discussion of "#POTUS" among Twitter users as of February 25, 2017 (the day of this writing). Using the NRC Emotion Lexicon in R, I analyzed a dataset of 2,896 Tweets tweeted by 2,455 unique Twitter users that I scraped just this afternoon. [ Note : I'm still collecting more Tweets as I write this post, and it'll take some time before I have a sizable dataset.] The positive vs. negative sentiment score counts per Tweet clearly lean positive. Much of this positive sentiment, as the below figure shows, likely results from a substantial amount of trust that appears in several Tweets that contain #POTUS. While fear , anger , sadness , and disgust all make showings, trust , joy ,...