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A Network Analysis of Foreign Aid Commitments

International Relations scholars often talk about the "diffusion" of norms, behaviors, security worries, etc. throughout the international system. Foreign aid policy is one such norm -- one that developed, democratic countries often are peer-pressured into sharing. But which countries lead the way in terms of aid commitments? Why Network Analysis? The study of networks in the social sciences has largely been restricted to sociology; however, more recently, other fields such as political science (international relations in particular) have adopted network science as a tool in the study of social phenomena. Networks provide a visually intuitive graphical representation of the multiple connections among numerous actors. Aside from being a visually appealing representation of a network of relationships, network analysis of the international system helps to bring to light (and also account for) the fact that international politics is inherently multilateral . Most analyses in...
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From Positive to Negative "Mass": The Push and Pull Impact of Bilateral Foreign Aid on Bilateral Immigration

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The Voice(s) of POTUS: Using the NRC Emotion Lexicon to Predict Topical Prevalence in Donald Trump's Tweets

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The Multiple Voices of Donald Trump

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"#POTUS" -- A Snapshot into How Twitter Users Feel about the President

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